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School Supplies: The Cope With School NYC Blog

Surviving “Homeschooling” During a Pandemic: Survival Tips to Keep on Thriving

By |2020-10-16T17:37:59+00:00June 5th, 2020|Francis Lora, LCSW-R, Parenting|

Whether you call it “homeschooling”, “remote learning”, “distance learning” or “virtual learning”, Covid-19 (coronavirus) has brought education back to the home as the main modality turning parents into teachers and transforming all of our lives forever practically overnight. So now what? Now that many parents have been thrust into a forced career change, we all have [...]

Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus

By |2020-10-16T17:40:44+00:00March 13th, 2020|Danielle Jonas, LCSW, Parenting|

Talking to Kids About Coronavirus The current coronavirus pandemic is causing anxiety and significant life changes throughout the world. Information about the virus can be confusing, overwhelming and scary. Talking to kids about coronavirus, what’s being done to combat it and how all the changes around us are affecting our lives is crucial in helping [...]

Autism By the Numbers: Facts, Figures, and Frequently Asked Questions Answered!

By |2020-10-16T17:42:33+00:00February 14th, 2020|Francis Lora, LCSW-R, Parenting|

It’s often said, “There are lies... Damn lies...and Statistics!”  This is true in most fields, certainly within quantitative research where data is analyzed and then used to produce the statistics that we use to learn about different phenomena and eventually use to push whatever agenda. Autism is no different! Statistically speaking, you’re bound to know [...]

ADHD: Why It’s Important Not to Jump to Conclusions

By |2020-10-16T17:44:04+00:00January 7th, 2020|ADHD, anxiety, Francis Lora, LCSW-R|

Recently ADHD has become such a normal part of our everyday lives that it is quite common for the term to be thrown around as part of our everyday conversation, often in the context of describing our need to be constantly multitasking or our absent-mindedness and inability to focus or stay still or present. In [...]

Keeping Your Child Safe on Social Media

By |2020-03-15T14:40:07+00:00January 2nd, 2020|Julia Simmons, LCSW, Parenting|

Today, most teens and tweens use some form of social media and have an account on a social media platform. While it used to be just Facebook and Instagram, today there is Snapchat, Twitter and the latest fan favorite - Tik Tok. Social media does have benefits for young people in that it provides a [...]

How to Survive the High School Application Process

By |2020-10-16T17:46:53+00:00December 5th, 2019|anxiety, Danielle Jonas, LCSW|

High School Admissions in NYC Featuring Advice from Actual Applicants!   The high school application process in New York City can be overwhelming, stressful, competitive and confusing for students and their families! But, have no fear, we’re here to help! The following are some tips to help your family through the process, guided by advice [...]

The Anxious Elementary Student: An Executive Function Connection

By |2020-10-16T17:49:19+00:00November 26th, 2019|ADHD, anxiety, Learning Disabilities|

Editor’s note: We are thrilled to feature guest blogger Jackie Hebert of where a version of this article was published.  Students in elementary school often have good reason to feel anxious. Whether it’s taking tests in class, handling unexpected changes in a schedule, or remembering to take their materials home or to school, young students have [...]

Feeling Anxious About Going Away to College?

By |2020-03-15T14:48:19+00:00August 6th, 2019|Julia Simmons, LCSW, Young Adult|

With the last few weeks of summer rolling in, many young adults are beginning to feel anxious, nervous and worried in anticipation of the upcoming transition to college right around the corner. Soon, many of them will be packing their bags and leaving home to start the next chapter of their lives – college. And while [...]

Coping With the Back to School Blues: Tips for Students and Families

By |2020-03-15T14:48:27+00:00August 1st, 2019|anxiety, Ari E. Fox, LCSW-R, Social Skills, Test Anxiety|

The beginning of the year brings up a range of feelings for students of all ages. There is the promise of a fresh start: new notebooks, pencils and crayons, different teachers and classmates. Some kids are eager to see old friends they have not seen all summer and catch up on their new experiences. Students [...]

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